5 Principles for Self-Improvement and Success

Mission Great Life
4 min readNov 3, 2020

Simple yet highly effective tips to help you achieve your best self.

If you want to get better at anything you have to practice it.

Starting to change yourself in some way can involve myriad approaches from traditional education to meditation, yoga, exercise, dieting, supplementation etc. Much of improvement is essentially refining or expanding upon what you already do, these principles will help you achieve your desired results.


Dropping out of college to pursue your dream isn’t a good or bad decision when you do it. It becomes a good or bad decision in the months afterwards. If you spent that time saving money, learning skills, investing in your business, and networking then it turns out to be a good decision. But if you dropped out and kept partying with friends, just talk people about how you dropped out to pursue your dreams without doing anything then you made a bad decision.

If you’re sitting around wondering the decision you want to make is going to be good or bad, ask yourself what would you need to do to turn the circumstances worthwhile and then do those things.


We see startups, billionaires, celebrities, sports stars all around us and we think we should be able to make some giant leap into the spotlight, too.

Success doesn’t work like that.

In order to be effective you need to break things down into smaller manageable pieces. Rather than trying to do it all at once, the smaller tasks reduces entry barrier of doing the task which allows us to complete them with ease.


Success is the cumulative effect of consistent progress toward a destination.

By taking a tiny step every day, you give yourself momentum which the key to success. You see, a lot of success and happiness in our lives is derived mainly from the feeling and thought that we have developed for ourselves through habitual actions.

No matter how small do something every day to improve yourself.

It is not what you do once that changes you for the better, but what you do consistently.


We have spent enough, or I should say wasted enough time thinking about what to do and how to do it.

Why do we spend so much of our precious time analysing what we want to do? It’s because of our belief that if we plan out our tasks meticulously and work towards it, it will require less of our efforts and yield more efficient results.

However, the belief is right, in most cases we just execute the first phase and leave behind the most crucial step of working towards it. It’s mostly because our planning phase took more of our efforts and energy out which should have been used to work upon execution.

Whether it is learning, writing an article, programming, working out, start working on it right now, analyse insights and then plan out your further steps.


Self-reflection is the key to becoming more aware of the gaps between where you are today and where you want to be in the future. This awareness helps you understand exactly where you need to make adjustments in order to take your life to the next level.

Here are a few questions that I want you to ask yourself at the end of each day and I highly recommend writing down the answers in your journal:

  • Did I achieve the goals I set for myself today? If not, why?
  • How did I handle challenging people and situations today? (This question helps you become aware of how you react to obstacles)
  • How can I improve or do better tomorrow? (This question holds you accountable to continuous self-improvement)
  • What am I proud of doing/accomplishing today? (This question allows you to feel proud of what you’ve done in the day which boosts confidence and self-esteem)
  • How will I show up in the world tomorrow? (This question allows you to be intentional about how you show up at work and in life)

Asking yourself reflective type of questions will help you understand how your daily decisions are impacting your life & the way you feel each day. This is how you’ll discover what’s holding you back from experiencing your best life.

When you begin to notice that certain daily decisions and actions are making you feel unhappy and bored, then that’s a signal from your higher self that something needs to change.

Self-improvement is a lifelong learning process, the best way for you at this point is to take some time for yourself and really figure out in which areas you want improvement or what you want your life to look like.



Mission Great Life

I write about Life, Productivity, Personal Growth and Creativity.